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Previous Workshops:

Jan '24

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How to Craft a Winning Proposal

Lanea Collins


January 08 (6pm) 




Shanna Melton:

Representation & Why it matters in the Arts


January 28 (2-4pm) 



Dec '23


Teaching Artist Speed Meet & Greet


December 10 (3-5pm) 

Oddfellows Playhouse Theater

(in person)

OCT '23


Rob Santos: Each One! Teach One!


October 1 (2-5pm) 

Oddfellows Playhouse Theater

(in person)

Aug '23


EMERGE Graduation Event!


August 22(6-9pm) 

Madelines Empanada

(in person)

JUNE '23


Denise Page: Oops! Did I say that?


June 25 (1-3:30pm) 

Oddfellows Playhouse Theater

(in person)

May '23

Lanea Collins & Jedda of KLaRue:

How to show up with a courageous heart in trauma informed spaces

May 10 (6-7:30pm) Zoom

April '23

Shanna Melton: How to engage students in the creative wrting process

April 19 (6-7:30pm) zoom

March '23


My Children! My Africa!

Saturday April.1 (150 min)

Dinner w/ Cast back talking session & Story Circle Workshop with Hartbeat Ensemble (5:30-7:30pm)

February '23


Jedda of K La Rue where Learning is an Adventure

Classroom Management utilizing Music & Movement

Feb.19.2023 (2-4pm)

January '23

Arts for Learning CT and The Teaching Artist Hub CT has paired up to bring you EMERGE!


December '22


A Vision of Hope with Barbara McClane: 


Sunday December 11,2023 (12-3pm)

Vision Board for Teaching Artists





Culture in the Arts: Sunday Nov. 6 (4-7pm)

Featuring Teaching Artists: Mixashawn, Tere Luna & Gammy

Followed by a panel discussion on Cultural Appropriation, led by Shanna Melton



Sister Anyango: Sunday Nov. 20 (1-2:30pm)


SelfCare through Movement,Mindfulness & A Moment of Reflection


Deidra Montgomery: 3 part series ZOOM

Cultural Equity

09/21: Getting READI for Interactions


10/05: Understanding the Self in Pursuit of Cultural Equity


10/19: Maintaining Humility for Cultural Equity





Bernadine Franco: 3 part series

Women as Artists. How they paved the way for the Female Teaching Artist of today.

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Kelvin Young: Sound Healing

Sunday Aug. 14 (10:30am-12pm)

JULY '22


Derron Wood: Sunday July 17 (12-3pm)


Stem to STEAM. Arts Education across all boundaries.

JUNE '22


Nilaja Sun: Teaching the Art of Solo Performance:

Saturday June 11 (12-3pm)


Panel Discussion: Re-emerging artists and teaching artists post pandemic: 
Saturday June 11 (5-6:30pm)


Feat: Nilaja Sun, Danell Reese,

John-Michael Parker, Grace Clark

MAY '22


This workshop is being rescheduled.

Date TBA!!


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TA PD Day: Building a Residency

Saturday April 2 (10am-3:30pm)

Join 5 teaching artists: Leslie Johnson, Doe Boyle, Kerry Kincy, L'Ana Burton & Shanna Melton as they lead a panel discussion on what it takes to build a residency from beginning to end. Learn different examples of how TA's plan their work in both K-12 settings and community settings along with providing mini workshops and personal group settings will help you get the most out of this full professional development day. 

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Nat Needle: Performance, Education, Arts

Sunday April 10 (12-3pm)

TA Mini-Retreat on performing, arts & education, led by Oddfellows Playhouse co-founder Nat Needle. There will be a guided discussion about the role of the teaching artist in society, in human development, and in promoting education justice.


Lunch & Learn


Arts Integration & MI Theory with Christopher Eaves

Sunday March 6 (1-3pm)

A Deeper Dive aims to strengthen the Teaching Artist's articulation and application of Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory as it relates to their own teaching artistry. We’ll look closely at how employing the Multiple Intelligences enhances arts integrated design and delivery—with strategies such as “Incidental vs. Intentional” and “Head or Heart.” Teaching Artists will have group discussion opportunities to compare efforts and share expertise. This professional development is designed to level-up the Teaching Artist’s practice.

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Laura Baring-Gould: Taxes,Expenses & Forms

Tuesday March 22 (6-8pm)

BONUS WORKSHOP: PAST ATTENDEES ONLY!! Laura B. has offered to do a bonus workshop tying up the series "From Starving Artist to Thriving Artist". Here she is diving into Taxes, Expenses and Forms as well as answering any questions that may have carried over.


Lunch & Learn Series

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January '22


Christopher Eaves: Multiple Intelligences-Multiple Solutions


Wednesday January 26, 2022 (6:30-8:30pm)

Multiple Intelligences—Multiple Solutions provides an intro and overview of Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory and how it can strengthen instructional design, teaching and learning. Participants will explore how to better engage students through bodily/kinesthetic, musical, visual/spatial, intrapersonal, interpersonal, existential, naturalist, linguistic and logical/mathematical modalities. This professional development features an array of artful activities designed to level-up the Teaching Artist's practice. 



Jingle Jingle Mix n' Mingle


Thursday Dec.9, 2021 (6:30-8:30pm)

The Artist Hub CT is bringing TA's together for the end of the year mixer featuring Laura Baring-Gould, Shanna Melton and Alicia Cobb as they guide us in short writing workshops along with visual arts and trivia.



Laura Baring-Gould: From Starving Artist to Thriving Artist

September 9: How to define yourself as a teaching artist: What sustains and supports our work?

Oct 14: How to go from Starving Artist to Thriving Artist: Creating a successful path in the Arts

Nov 18: Taxes/Expenses/Forms: H0w to support your work by maximizing what benefits are there for you in terms of tax filing and business status incorporation.



H.E.A.L Fest (Helping Each Artist Level-Up)

Wed. Aug 11 (5:30-8:30pm)

Heal Fest is a give back to our TA's through the arts community incld: drumming, live painting, movement and music. Panel Discussion, "What is a Teaching Artist?" with, Mari "Mars" Champagne, Felicia Goodwine, Alicia Thompson, Lara Herscovitch and guest speaker, Bonnie Koba (COA).

JULY '21

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Thurs. July 22, 2021 (6-8pm)

Kimolee Eryn takes us through a creative writing workshop exploring "Writing Your Real" through perspective writing and tapping into your deep emotions.


Tues.  July 13,2021 (1-3pm)

Part 3 - Todd Reynolds: Level Up Your Virtual Presence: Pros and Cons of Various Teaching & Performing Platforms (Zoom, YouTube, FB, IG, Twitch, TikTok, Crowdcast)

JUNE '21

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Wed. June 30, 2021 (6:30-8:30pm)

Mari Mars Champagne:

Extensions of Self-Care: Releasing Supremacy Through Art


Tues. June 8, 2021 (1-3pm)

Part 2- Todd Reynolds: Leveling-Up Your Virtual Presence

Incorperating graphics, video and other media (encoders, OBS, ECamm, Streamyard, Zoom, Restream)

MAY '21


Tues. May 11, 2021 (1-3pm)

Part 1- Todd Reynolds: Leveling-Up Your Virtual Presence

Teaching and Performing Space & Gear

The Teaching Artist Hub 

A Hub for Teaching Artists and Aspiring Teaching Artists To Be

 Teach. Learn. Heal. Connect.

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join the facebook group!

The Teaching Artist Hub CT is an initiative of the partnership between The Connecticut Office Of The Arts and Oddfellows Playhouse Theater.

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